Monday, June 06, 2005

The Blue Crew

After returning from surveying in Cabaret, a team from Virginia came in for a 10 day stay. The three teenagers are Jeff’s children and Bill is a chemical engineering grad student at UVA.

The team before they left the states. From left to right, Bill, Jeff, Deborah, Marie, and

These guys worked their butts off and built 12 school benches! The typical Haitian bench is built out of a half a piece of wood and two nails and when ten kids cram on one bench it is nothing more than a safety hazard. So nice sturdy school benches like these last a long time and really help the kids concentrate and learn more in school. It is our prayer that every child that sits in one of these benches would come to know Christ as their Saviour.

Building the benches

Painting the benches

The finished product hot off the factory floor and ready for delivery

One day, we took a break from building benches to help pour a concrete floor at the church in La Brusse.

The old church, now used as a school building

The new church

The concrete is mixed by hand outside the building.

Then it is passed along in buckets to be placed in the floor. As a side note, check out my stylish red hat.

Nearly Completed

The partially completed floor and two delivered benches on Sunday at La Brusse.

Our reward for a hard weeks work, a day at the beach!!

The great picture of the town near where we go to the beach, Be De Mustique, which is where Columbus landed in 1492.

Here’s a couple pictures of yours truly in action:

"come on, Ben, you can make it" I think I can, I think I can

David and I gearing up to go to church at Moulin. Some may consider it courage while others utter stupidity, but David rode with me on the hog to go visit a small church on sunday while the rest of his family went safely in the truck to church at Poste Metier.

The glasses are authentic Elvis sunglasses sent from Graceland, compliments of Julie and Jamie. Yes, I wear them all the time.

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